Along with the engineering of the new factories, shops, production lines and separate production sites for various industry sectors, «Stromizmeritel» Ltd performs a wide range of works on the modernization, reconstruction and conversion of the existing and temporarily shut down enterprises.

During these works performance, a partial or complete replacement of morally and physically obsolete equipment and automation equipment with the contemporary and more productive equipment and control systems is performed. Layout modification of the existing and installation of the new equipment of the reconstructed lines and areas is performed, taking into account the existing process and building structures, which, if necessary, are substituted or finalized.


  • Engineering of the preliminary design solutions for the reconstruction for assessment of the investments
  • Development of the terms of reference for implementation of the reconstruction and modernization project, a general explanatory note, process solutions, construction and structural solutions, electrical equipment parts and automation, ventilation and aspiration, budget documentation
  • Modernization of electric power equipment and automated control systems
  • Development of the solutions to reduce dusting during the unloading, loading and transportation of the raw materials
  • Modernization and refinement of the separate units of the process equipment and technical processes for the existing industries

20 years of experience allows us to effectively use the existing premises, shops and structures, to minimize the project engineering time

Consideration of several versions for the reconstruction of the existing industries within the framework of a preliminary project to assess the investments and the opportunities for the reconstruction implementation

A wide range of the process equipment allows to optimally solve the issues of reconstruction with the least possible changes in the existing building structures

Our own engineering department allows to use the existing equipment and structures with a maximum flexibility to reduce the cost of reconstruction and modernization

A successful experience in performing the modernization of the domestic and foreign automated control systems without a complete shutdown top of a continuous production