Batch feeders are designed to supply a mixture of components to glass-melting furnaces equipped with load buffers in the production of sheet glass, glass containers and others
Structure of batch feeders depends on the requirements for the load buffer design, glass melting method, melting performance and other factors
The vibrational (fan-shaped) batch feeders on the open type buffers are traditionally used to load glass furnace batch and crushed glass into a regenerative glass furnace with a horse-shoe flame
Plunger-turning batch feeders are mounted on closed buffers and can be used for all types of furnaces
Tray-type (table) batch feeders are used more often in the furnaces with a flame transverse direction. The feeding buffer has a width almost equal to the furnace itself in this case. Several table loaders are installed in this case
Screw batch feeders are used in the cases where the furnace does not have a loading buffer. The screw feeder of the loader is installed in the opening in the furnace upper structure